Hoamon’s Paper¶
I have a lot thoughts to say! My blog should be a good place to use, but the primary goal of blog system is publishing quickly and short, although it is more longer than g+ , twitter , plurk or facebook . I will collect my old blog articles to be archived and decorated and export papers of reasonable continuity.
My wide interests that include finance, management, politics, mathematics, computer, science and history are driving me to research what we can do is good for truth. “Good for truth” is the purpose of building this classification. “Good for truth” is not only realizing the realities but also applying to human behavior rightly. Because we can not own one silver bullet to solve all problem. That is why i read from so many different sources. The value of diversity is worth us pay more attention, if people thirst for the sustainable development. So do i. I understand this rule in the applying processing of genetic algorithm. There are must enough classes of chromosome to find the best fitness, but if we change the fitness function, the original best fitness maybe eliminated by new environment. So when we only pick up a few classes of chromosome will not be a survival at the rapidly changing Earth.
The language using in papers depends on audience. I use Traditional Chinese to explain problem of Taiwan and seek a resolving method, and i use English to talk about the problem that Taiwanese don’t want to know. Beside the content of papers, this site’s major language is English.
There are two blocks in this classification:
Published in paper¶
released in objects, like master thesis, conference paper, journal paper... In the foreign journal papers, my English name is Yueh-Feng Ho. In papers of Taiwan, the name is 何岳峰.
- Machine Hsie, Yueh-Feng Ho , Chih-Tsang Lin, I-Cheng Yeh, Modeling asphalt pavement overlay transverse cracks using the genetic operation tree and Levenberg–Marquardt Method , Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 5, April 2012, Pages 4874-4881, ISSN 0957-4174, 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.10.005. ( Honor : be collected in Advance in Engineering )
- Machine Hsie, Chih-Tsang Lin, Yueh-Feng Ho , A New Approach to Model Asphalt Pavement Overlay Cracking , Advanced Materials Research, Volumes 250 - 253, May 2011, Pages 1757-1760, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.250-253.1757.
- 黃濬彥、黃智威、 何岳峰 、謝孟勳,「 整合施工時程於營建土石方運輸最佳化之研究 」,2012(第16屆)營建工程與管理學術研討會,臺中:朝陽科技大學,2012。( 榮譽 : 2012 營建工程與管理學術研討會最佳論文獎佳作。 獎牌 )
- 黃濬彥、李子鵬、 何岳峰 、謝孟勳,「 Web-Based 動態重複性排程演算法之研究與建置 」,2012(第16屆)營建工程與管理學術研討會,臺中:朝陽科技大學,2012。
- 黃濬彥、劉時旭、 何岳峰 、謝孟勳,「 類神經網路應用於法拍不動產估價 」,2012(第16屆)營建工程與管理學術研討會,臺中:朝陽科技大學,2012。
- 何岳峰 、黃濬彥、謝孟勳,「 應用 HTML5 及版本控制技術提昇 Web-based 營建資訊管理系統使用效率之研究 」,2010 營建管理研討會,苗栗:國立聯合大學,2010。 ( 榮譽 : 2010 營建管理研討會優秀論文獎。 獎狀 、 領獎情形 )
- 何岳峰 、黃濬彥、謝孟勳,「 應用版本控制技術建構 Web-based 營建文件管理系統之研究 」,2010 營建管理研討會,苗栗:國立聯合大學,2010。
- 吳丞曜、 何岳峰 、黃濬彥、謝孟勳,「 以資料採礦技術建置查核缺失編碼網路資訊系統 」,2010 營建管理研討會,苗栗:國立聯合大學,2010。
- 傅光森、 何岳峰 ,「 國史館臺灣文獻館數位化典藏計畫市區改正圖檔清查經驗談 」,國家數位典藏通訊,2003、8月1號、第二卷第八期。( Backup file )
- 何岳峰 、謝孟勳,「網路規劃應用於多塔吊配置計劃最佳化」,第六屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會,台南:國立成功大學,2002。
- 何岳峰 ,「 網路規劃應用於多塔吊計畫之最佳化 」,碩士論文,國立中興大學土木工程研究所,台中,2002。